ended ongoing Transportation

Barekam Logistic Services

Always with you, always by your side

Confirmed investments:
0 ֏ | 0 $
Committed investments:
0 ֏ | 0 $ 
Investment goal
82 000 000 ֏ - 530 000 000 ֏
Confirmed investments:
0 ֏ | 0 $
Committed investments:
0 ֏ | 0 $ 
Investment goal:
82 000 000 ֏ - 530 000 000 ֏

Barekam Logistic Services

About us:

"BAREKAM" company was founded in 2017 and is the first Armenian organization of its kind that provides international door-to-door postal and courier services.

Problem to solve:

Day by day increasing demand for services which needs to be served.


We have created a company that meets international requirements, the basic structure of which has been formed over the years.


"Barekam Post" and "Barekam Logistics Service" services, which in previous years registered an increase in annual turnover of 60%-70%.

Operational model:

Our operational model is currently as follows:

Competitors and partners:


We carry out the entire cargo collection process with our company's resources.


To make not only a successful investment, but also to contribute to the rapid expansion of the organization, the need of which is felt by millions of Armenians living in the diaspora, including thousands of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.


We will have a developing Armenian logistics company, create new opportunities and have a successful business.




Narek Muradyan



Artur Vardanyan

Deputy Director


Nellie Meliksetyan

Customer Service Manager

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